About US


  • Welcome to Huayi Flower Wrapping Co., Ltd.

    About Us

    HUAYI Flower Wraps was founded over 20 years ago in 2003 by a passionate group of individuals. As globalization accelerated, they recognized that the demand for higher-quality and more diverse floral supplies in the United States, across the ocean, remained unmet. Initially, the company started as a small processing factory, but it has since grown into a leading manufacturer and direct exporter of various floral supplies.

    From our humble beginnings, we have expanded to operate two factories covering over 100,000 square feet. This growth enables us to offer an astonishing variety of over 10,000 product SKUs, ensuring that our customers always find what they need.

    HUAYI Flower Wraps takes pride not only in serving the local community but also in providing services to customers in the United States and other countries. We are proud to know that our products have reached every state in the U.S. and numerous international destinations, reinforcing our commitment to making high-quality floral art supplies accessible wherever creativity blooms.

    We are more than just a wholesale distributor. Embracing innovation and product development, we have become manufacturers and direct importers for many product lines. This allows us to offer the latest and best floral art supplies while maintaining competitive prices.

    Building trust with you, our valued customers, is at the core of our mission. We take pride in providing a diverse selection of carefully curated top-tier floral art supplies, backed by a team dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction. From our family to yours, we’re here to turn your creative visions into reality.

    Welcome to HUAYI Flower Wraps, where quality, variety, and value blossom together! 🌸


  • Email: info@huayiflowerwraps.com
  • Phone:+8613631276005

    Adress:No. 6, Niansanli Street, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China

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